Saturday, August 14, 2010


Exiled Bhutanese wage their flag to show their participation in the
 rally. Resettled Bhutanese community in Syracuse in New York has observed World Refugee Day yesterday along with two dozens refugee communities in the city.
Bhutanese refugees demonstrated their culture, dances and fashion shows along with serving of ethnic foods at the premises of North side Collaborator.Exiled Bhutanese wage their flag to show their participation in the rally.
The program was organized jointly by the Catholic Charities, Center for New Americans (Resettlement agency), North Side Collaborator and White Branch Library. First part of the program started at 11.45 am from the office of Catholic Charities and ended at the City Hall.
The Mayor’s representative, Van Robinson, the president of Syracuse Common Council, among others addressed the program. He stated that the refugees will have opportunities to furnish their dreams in this land of opportunities.  He further mentioned that the USA will be benefited from their experiences and diverse culture

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